Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Aashayein Art attack

They clapped n cheered when we said no math today
I knew that instant it was going to be an amazing day
They wiggled their noses and put their thinking caps on
Art attack was on from there on
We gave them a brush to paint the world
Just to see their imagination unfurl
A Circus joker and mountains and elephants they drew
So alive were they that I could see the morning dew
Each telling a story in its own unique way….
That’s how enchanting were they
It was fun watchin them roll around
Colors sprewn around across the Motown
Their mums were speechless when they saw them
Pinki had a red nose and chin 2 had a green bum!
To see them bond together was my highlight of the day
These moments of joy shall never fade away.

Himanshu Saxena

Friday, May 1, 2009

Straight from the heart

Aashayein....I had just stumbled upon it while my friend was browsing through the net. As a volunteer, I would like to share my experience with all of you.

Going the slum area and teaching the children was a novel experience for me. I didn't think I could handle it all too well after the first time but then things changed and I realised my mistake. Those children were like any other children and all I had to do was be me.That was the best way to connect with them. I didn't have to change myself in any way because that is the way they loved me. That is one fundamental thing I learned in Aashayein. All of us are simple human beings with feelings..some are born in rich families while some are not. But that doesn't change the fact that we all need love and attention. So I decided to give them what I want myself. Love and attention.
We volunteers are not expert social workers. We are just like anyone else and it's not that we have done something great. All we have done is contribute in our own special way. It may not be much for many but it may mean the world to the children.
These children are at a very impressionable age and I would like to think our being there helps them. It may not make a monumental difference but as far as people are concerned, the smallest of changes can amount to a lot. And that is precisely why I am here.That is precisely why all of us are here.